Comment: <span class="highlight">Roof</span> <span class="highlight">Top</span> <span class="highlight">Tents</span> (RTT)

Hello all,

May I add my comments to this roof top tent discussion... firstly, I totally agree with The Landys comment "...and concluded there is no perfect solution to sleeping arrangements".

I also agree with the downsides of using a roof top tent - the need to pack 'everything' away before going for a drive.

of course, I do agree with the ease of set up and pack down, plus all his other comments by Eighty Matey.

I recently travelled from Port Macquarie NSW to Melbourne and return (1400km each way) and simply popped my Shippshape open in the middle of the night for a quick snooze. Same goes for weekend and touring holidays out bush - very quick and easy. They can be a pan when you want to set up for a week and need your vehicle to go sight seeing - putting any tent up, down, up, down, up, down gets to you after a while.

Regarding climbing a ladder to get in and out of bed... that can indeed be a pain depending on your ladder climbing abilities and how often you wake to find yourself busting for a nature walk on a freezing cold night.

Now, regarding buying cheap: I totally understand that not everyone can afford "the best", which is where there is a huge market with the imported roof top tents appearing on every second 4x4 we see floating around.
Do I like them, well yes and no. They serve a purpose, are cheap to purchase, lightweight and take up less room on the roof racks compared to our own Shippshape tents.

BUT, as per Eighty Materys comment of "we've been using a Shippshape rooftop tent for about four years."... we have customers with Shippshape roof top tents that are 15 to 20 years old. Sure, they have been asking for replacement covers from time to time, plus have minor canvas repairs carried out... BUT>>> I'll wager there are NO elcheapo roof top tents floating around in 10 to 15 years time. You won't get them repaired and the resale value will be (close to) ZERO.

Hope that helps someone.

Shippshape Roof Top Tents
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